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Trusts and Foundations

With the support of Charitable Trusts and Foundations, out partners can create lasting change in local communities

Why Ethiopiaid?

We partner with trusted Ethiopian local organizations to provide sustainable support for people in Ethiopia who need it most, at a time when it will make a real difference.

Out partners’ depth of local knowledge combined with technical understanding, means their programmes are responsive to local culture and have strong community engagement and ownership. This approach allows our partners to tailor interventions specifically to the challenges faced by the people they serve.

Make a lasting impact

At Ethiopiaid, we develop impactful relationships with grant-making organizations of varying sizes and funding capabilities. We welcome grants for particular areas of out work or projects, which align with your focus. Alternatively, you can support our wider work through unrestricted and capacity-building grants.

We are always keen to form new partnerships and explore opportunities where there is a good fit and potential to make a lasting impact through our trusted local partners – many of whom have been with us for years, or even decades.

What you can expect

With a small committed and experienced Trusts team, Ethiopiaid can provide you with:

  • Bespoke updates directly from our Ethiopian partners
  • Detailed project reports with impact stories and photographs
  • Online meetings to discuss the impact of your support
  • Prompt grant receipts and acknowledgement
  • Financial accountability and transparency

If you would like more information, please contact us at [email protected]