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The Impact of the Conflict in Afar

We recently received a distressing yet inspiring report from our partners in the Afar region, detailing the harrowing experiences and resilient spirit of the local communities.

On November 13th, our team ventured deep into the affected district, traversing grazing plains by vehicle and continuing on foot to reach the displaced people. Estimated to be around 30 to 35,000 in number, these individuals have been forced to relocate multiple times, fleeing as fighting encroaches further into their territories.

The situation they face is dire. Raiders have left a trail of destruction in their wake, obliterating villages and small towns, and claiming lives in the process. The reports describe homes and places of worship set ablaze, painting a picture of a region engulfed in chaos and despair.

For the past two weeks, access to food has been nonexistent for these displaced people. In a desperate bid to find sustenance, groups of men venture out, sometimes walking for 12 hours without success. They leave behind families in dire conditions – pregnant wives with swollen feet unable to walk, starving children, and elderly relatives.

Among the displaced are those with livestock, such as goats and sheep, which could be sold for food. However, with markets destroyed, they are left with no means to trade. The situation is a grim reflection of the impact of conflict on basic human necessities.

The urgent needs of these displaced people and the host communities are vast:

  • Food: The primary necessity, with the population facing severe shortages.
  • Shelter: Many are living in conditions unfit for habitation, desperately needing proper housing.
  • Health Services: To assess and treat malnutrition, provide medical care, and support pregnant women and newborns.
  • Clean Drinking Water: An essential yet scarce resource in the region.
  • Education: The continuation of children’s education remains a critical concern amidst the chaos.

Our partners are dedicated to reaching these forgotten and isolated communities, providing a lifeline in their time of greatest need. The impact of this support is not just about survival but about nurturing hope and resilience amidst adversity.

To enhance our response and recovery efforts, we have established an Emergency and Recovery Fund. This initiative is crucial in supporting our partners, allowing them to provide life-saving emergency support. In the long term, it will fund vital recovery projects, aiding people in rebuilding their lives after the devastation they have endured.

Your support is more than a donation; it’s a beacon of hope for those struggling to survive in the Afar region. It empowers us to make a significant impact and save lives, ensuring that we can continue to stand with these communities during their most challenging times.

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