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Support Mothers
and Children
in Ethiopia

You can help some of the most vulnerable people on Earth

We’ve teamed up with local, grassroots organizations, run by Ethiopians for Ethiopians. Every time you donate, you directly help local people, programs and communities. Together, this is how we can make a lasting difference in the lives of the most vulnerable.

Why Ethiopia?

While Ethiopia has made considerable progress since the famine and devastation of the 1980s, the poorest and most marginalized are being left behind. We need your help to break this cycle of poverty and bring back health and hope to those who are most in need.

More than one quarter of the population live below
the poverty line

Highly dependent on
agriculture and highly
susceptible to drought
and climate impact

Almost 50% of the
population is illiterate

Child Mortality
1 in 21 children die before
he age of 5

start a monthly 
 donation for lasting impact

Each month you can help to make sure women and children have enough to eat, can go to school and can access good quality healthcare.

Latest News

Summer 2024 Appeal

Hunger, Conflict and Drought “They helped Ayana deliver her stillborn baby but they couldn’t stop the blood that followed…”– Valerie Browning, Project Manager caring for Ethiopians, Afar region Food shortages + conflict + drought + cholera outbreaks = moms and babies dying Your caring donations go towards life-saving food, water

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APDA Field Report

    Project Location: Afar, Ethiopia     Local Field Partner: Afar Pastoralist Development Association (APDA)     Report Author: Valerie Browning     Reporting Period: Second quarter, FY2024 No food for almost 500,000 people + multiple woes 1. Dire needs still facing the community. Since my last report and

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